• Question: Why did you sign up for I'm A Scientist Get Me out of here, was it for recognition?

    Asked by matthewbakerwtflolz to Cat, Daz, Holly, Johnson, Pamela on 18 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Holly Shelton

      Holly Shelton answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hi Mattew

      No it was because I like to chat and talk mostly. I saw the advert and it seemed to me to be quite a fun thing. All my lab love it I read out your questions to them and they help me send you scientific answers so its been fun for the whole lab really!!

      Remember to vote for your favorite scientist soon.

      Holly 🙂

    • Photo: Darren Braddick

      Darren Braddick answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hi matthewbakerwtflolz

      Great question. I had wondered this about other scientists (not necessarily those in this zone, as they are quite wonderful people). Well, only one of the 5 scientists can win, and the money isn’t really for them, as the must use it to support some other cause. I think I know why answer, and I expect it is the same for the other scientists in this zone.

      Holly’s answer below is the same as mine for this reason – I thought it looked like a good thing to do, and it seemed fun. I have a friend who played a year ago and won, and he recommended it. I have found that is helping me development my own skills too, and I enjoy interacting with the students a great deal. If I do not win, I don’t mind.

      I want to, obviously, but my view is that if we can encourage even a few young people to maintain an interest in science, and learn something, we have succeeded well. I will be very happy if that is the case!

      I hope this helps, and answers your question.

      And yes, keep up voting and asking questions 🙂


    • Photo: Cat O'Connor

      Cat O'Connor answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Good question Matthew, I think you’re trying to catch some of us out!

      But sorry to dissapoint, I signed up (and was lucky enough to be accepted, there were a load of scientists that didn’t make it!) because I love getting people interested in Science! And i think i’m pretty good at it too! My little sister (well she’s 20 so not very little any more) is doing exactly the same course that I did in Uni! Obviously she is following in my great example 😀

      I thought this project sounded like so much fun, but I have to admit it’s a lot of work. It’s now close to midnight and I’ve a load of questions left to answer before I go to bed! I really am have a blast with you guys, especially the banter on the live chats. What’s your favourite part so far?

      I would have loved if there was something like this about when I was in school, it would have been the highlight of my science classes!

      If in the future you became a scientist, would you sign up for a competition like this?


    • Photo: Pamela Lithgow

      Pamela Lithgow answered on 18 Jun 2011:

      Hi Matthew,
      I didn’t sign up for the recognition! I was very embarrassed when our press officer (person responsible for all the media stuff at work) decided to announce my involvement to the whole institute!?!
      I signed up because it seemed like an interesting thing to do. I love talking about science and I liked the idea of trying to talk to different people about science (other than my work mates!).
      When I thought about it too I could not really remember knowing of science as a career when I was at school. I didn’t know that it was possible to continue “science” and what that might involve. So I thought it was a great thing to do to make sure students knew what the possibilities where out there!
      I hope this helps, and I hope if you become a scientist that you might do this in the future!
      Pam 🙂
