• Question: Why are we alive and what good do we do to the Earth?

    Asked by mjlover124 to Cat, Daz, Holly, Johnson, Pamela on 20 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Darren Braddick

      Darren Braddick answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hi mjlover124

      I don’t think anybody really knows that answer! Maybe people have ideas which come from their faith – for example in religion, but there is no definitive proof to anything on Earth.

      The main point of living though should be to be good and protect what we have – like the environment, other people and other life in general.

      I expect that we as humans do not do the world a lot of good, if you consider global warming and pollution. Despite this, we do some good things, by helping species of animals and birds which are dying out, and protecting areas of the wild from damage.

      Do you have any ideas of your own? What do you think the reasons are?


    • Photo: Cat O'Connor

      Cat O'Connor answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Michael Jackson lover by any chance?? 😀

      I’m not sure why we’re alive but i like to live by thinking we should not waste a minute while we’re alive and should have no regrets about any decisions that we make! What are your opinions?

      And I agree with Daz, I really don’t think we’re doing the world any good at all and I think it’ll take a long time for us to correct the bad we’ve done.

      But saying that we are trying to correct our ways. I’m really interested in animal conservation so I really love when there are good news stories about that! Like recently they think that the Tiger population is increasing, yay!!!

      What good do you think we do on earth?


    • Photo: Pamela Lithgow

      Pamela Lithgow answered on 20 Jun 2011:

      Hi mjlover124,
      That is a great question! As Darren said no one really knows the answer and many people believe in religious reasons for us being here on earth.
      I think that maybe we are alive due to chance, I know that this can be difficult to grasp and we would like to think that we are not alive due to just chance it may be true. The truth is that there are soooooo many planets that life could have developed on over sooooooooo many years that we are probably alive through chance. I also believe that chances are there may be life out there in the universe.
      As for the good we do for the earth, hmmmm that is a tricky one. Often we think of the harm we do and mostly we can only think about how we effected the earth. I think the planet might be very different if we didn’t exist but that is not to say it would be better. As for all living things it is actually more about what the earth can do for us and for many years it has supported us, given us things to eat and air to breath. We have been bad to earth though and we now need to try and do all the good we can.
      I hope that adds something to the other answers.
      Pam 🙂
