• Question: If not yourself, who should win Im a Scientist?

    Asked by danrumford to Cat, Daz, Holly, Johnson, Pamela on 17 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Cat O'Connor

      Cat O'Connor answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Oh Dan, this is too mean! Come on, haven’t we not been great at answering all your amazing questions? If it can’t be me, and honestly, I think i’m a very deserving winner :D, than I would pick Pam or Daz but only because I know them better as we’re the terrific trio who always seem to do the live chats together! Which are loads of fun by the way, but very hectic so it’s great having those two guys there to divide and conquer all the questions!

      …..please don’t hate me Holly and Johnson!


    • Photo: Pamela Lithgow

      Pamela Lithgow answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      Hi Dan,
      That is a good question! I would have to say something similar to Cat in that I would go for her or Daz (sorry Holly and Johnson). This is because I have seen them in more chats (although I don’t have much of an idea what they say as it is so hectic!) But I have picked up from those things what there causes are so I know they both have good causes, so for Cat it would be vote for the orphans and for Daz it would be a vote for the british kids!
      That was a toughy!!
      Pam 🙂
