• Question: I am in awe of your plans of what to do with the prize money. I am going to Tanzania myself and so it has made me more interested in your pledge and your work. Why is it that TB is so important to you? I come from South Devon so I have seen the effects on farmers myself and am interested in the effects of the disease, how do even think of starting a project like this and how did you begin?

    Asked by minion1 to Cat on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Cat O'Connor

      Cat O'Connor answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Thanks Minion1,

      You’re really kind. yeah, it is a great cause. Now if you can get the rest of your class to vote for me and try and keep me in next week, we’ll be one step closer! I could nearly appoint you as my head cheerleader for you school 😀

      Oh i’m really sorry that you know so much about this disease already, it’s horrible right 🙁

      TB is so important to be because I know of the effects it can have too! My Dad grew up on a dairy farm that is still in operation (but a lot huger now, about 220 milkers!!!) and is run by my uncle. The herd did not have a breakdown (that’s what we call it when TB is found in a herd) in all its history, until about 5 years ago when they found it 🙁

      They had to cull (that is the word we use instead of kill) about 50 cows, and some of these cows were really young and were really promising breeders and milkers so it was devastating, not only because of all the money they lost but also my uncle had but a lot of effort into choosing exactly the right cows to make his herd better….and then they were killed 🙁

      So you could say I’m very personally involved in this bacteria and disease.

      Before I started work on TB, i used to work on infections in horses, another passion of mine! But I got a phonecall from a lecturer who I was very good friends with who told me that there was a very interesting project coming up in Glasgow that he thought I would be interested in adn you now what, he was dead right. I interviewed, got the job, I think because of my passion for the disease and the rest is history!

      Would you like to work in science Minion?

