• Question: Why do clouds darken to a deep grey when it is about to rain?

    Asked by danrumford to Cat, Daz, Holly, Johnson, Pamela on 21 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Pamela Lithgow

      Pamela Lithgow answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Hi Dan,
      Clouds darken when it is about to rain because not as much sun can get through because there is more water. The increase in amount of water indicates that is probably going to rain.
      Hope that helps
      Pam 🙂

    • Photo: Cat O'Connor

      Cat O'Connor answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Hi Dan,

      Great answer by Pam. Clouds are seen as white for much the same reason too as within clouds, little particles of water are densely packed together within the cloud which prevents sunlights from penetrating very far into the cloud which means the light is just reflected out very quickly, which means the clouds are that lovely fluffy white colour.

      A little aside: How amazing fo clouds look when you view them from above in a plane. I love it!! Love taking photos of them too 😀


    • Photo: Johnson Soronnadi

      Johnson Soronnadi answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Hello Dan,

      I am not really sure of the answer to the question, but I guess it could be due accumulation of evaporated water in the clouds and the movement from the force of the storm, thereby reducing the amount of sunlight passing through.

      Hope this answers the question

